International Beer Day

It’s International Beer Day today! My name is Tony Toebak. I work as Marketing Communications Manager for Perstorp Animal Nutrition, but I am also an avid homebrewer. 在柏斯托的工作让我意识到我的日常工作和酿造啤酒有很多相似之处.

• To gather with friends and enjoy the taste of beer.
• To celebrate those responsible for brewing and serving beer.
• To unite the world under the banner of beer, by celebrating the beers of all nations together on a single day.

作为一名狂热的家庭啤酒酿造者,我发现酿造啤酒和我在柏斯托的日常工作有很多相似之处. 当我开始为柏斯托动物营养公司工作时,一个陌生的新世界向我敞开了大门,因为我一有机会就放弃了大多数精确科学, focusing on an education in marketing communications instead. Now I was in a world of animal feed and performance and chemistry. I needed to catch up. 今天我绝对不是专家,但是我的爱好帮助我更好地理解了很多日常工作中的话题,反之亦然. Time for me to geek out over this, starting with the raw materials used in beer: water, malts (germinated and dried grains), yeasts and hops.

Raw materials: water
Water constitutes the major part of any beer. 这一点在家庭酿造者中没有得到重视,但调整你的水配置将大大改善酿造出来的啤酒. Water profiles are adjusted with salts and acids, some of which have parts to play in our industry as well. 乳酸通常用于在捣碎之前降低水的pH值,以便将麦芽中的淀粉更好地转化为糖,从而使啤酒发酵得更好. Calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, 氯化钙和其他一些成分被用来调整水的形状,以突出特定的味道,或调整口感,以适应正在酿造的风格.

Raw materials: grains
Grains are the basis for any beer and many animal feeds as well. 大麦是酿造啤酒的主要谷物,但小麦和玉米也经常被使用. 燕麦、黑麦甚至大米的使用频率较低,但它们在酿造中都有自己的用途. 为了酿造,谷物先发芽,然后干燥以释放酶和淀粉. 酿造过程中留下的废谷壳是动物饲料中重要的贸易商品.

Raw materials: yeasts
在酿酒界有一种说法:酿造者酿造麦芽汁(从麦芽中提取的含糖液体),酵母酿造啤酒. No yeast, no alcohol or other flavor compounds. Yeasts are used in animal nutrition for their nutritional value. 因此,在某些文化中,啤酒瓶中的酵母残留物被认为是一种美味. 在柏斯托的工作让我了解了酵母在化学过程中的作用.

Raw materials: hops
啤酒花在我们的行业中并没有被大量使用或引用,尽管它们已经被研究过 preservative functions (the original purpose of hops in beer) and on performance parameters.

当然,在柏斯托动物营养品公司,酸是我们大部分活动的核心. 在我们的业务中,它是有机酸,如丙酸,用于保存谷物和饲料, 在啤酒酿造中,从啤酒花中提取的酸也有同样的作用. 酸和酸度在酿造中也有作用,尤其是当你在最初的几批酒之后开始改善或开始寻找特殊的挑战时. 用乳酸或磷酸瞄准特定的醪pH值,使酶能够从醪中提取更多的糖. 乳酸和乳酸菌(通常用于青贮保存)用于酸奶啤酒,如比利时Geuze啤酒和德国Gose啤酒或柏林Weisses.

Anti-oxidants were also always a bit of an enigma to me. 它们现在仍然是,但从酿造的角度来阅读它们有助于缩小差距. In brewing oxidation is a common fault in competitions. 陈年的啤酒花啤酒尤其容易出现这种情况,并会产生一种“纸板味”。. 因此,与饲料成分类似,与氧气(包括溶解氧)的接触需要尽可能地限制.

虽然酶不再是我们十大正规网堵平台组合的一部分,但我曾与它们一起工作过一段时间. Somebody explaining to me what they do before I started brewing, made this an easy to grasp topic in the first brewing books I read. 特别是创建可视化的表示,如何脂肪酶释放丁酸从三丁酸在肠是一个很大的帮助. 在酿造过程中,淀粉酶将淀粉转化为糖,然后酵母将糖转化为酒精. 在动物生产中,木聚糖酶和β -葡聚糖酶将谷物中的非淀粉多糖转化为单糖,以提高饲料的消化率. 后一种酶有时也会在酿造过程中受到刺激(通过为其提供完美的温度),以分解啤酒中的β -葡聚糖,从而可能产生高度粘稠的麦芽汁.

Essential oils
我们的一些十大正规网堵平台利用了有机酸与精油的协同作用. Similar oils can be derived from hops to create aromatic hoppy beers.

在柏斯托,化学无处不在,我们的专家偶尔会给你上一些入门课. This has helped me a lot to get a feeling for what molecules are, 它们是如何相互关联的,以及如何将它们修改为更简单或更复杂的形式以用于特定目的. 酯就是一个很好的例子:我们将丙酸、丁酸和戊酸酯化,以获得几个关键的好处. Esters are also a big contributor to the subtle fruity flavors in some beers. 尤其是经典的比利时和英国啤酒或德国啤酒,酯含量可能很高.

There might be more. Are you a brewing enthusiast too? Let me know what other parallels you found between brewing and your work. Or maybe you make another form of drinks or food where you see similarities? We’d love to hear about it! And if you’re a beer lover: have one tonight on International Beer Day!

You can find specific relations between beer and silage here>>


Tony Toebak

Marketing Communications Manager Animal Nutrition

+31 416 317 721

Contact me

Tony Toebak

Marketing Communications Manager Animal Nutrition

+31 416 317 721

Contact me